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Shop | Electronic | PCBs

With individual round copper pads on one
side. Hole spacing 2.54 x 2.54 (0.1), 38 holes x 61 holes. 

 Ref: CDT0137 | Price: £3.65 |


Hole spacing 5.08x 5,80 (0.2") with large pads. 
 Ref: CDT0138 | Price: £2.75 |


Similar to the above boards but with rectangular pads covering three holes at a time. Hole spacing 2.54 x 2.54 (0.1), 39 strips x 20 (3 hole pads). 

 Ref: CDT0139 | |


Tripad Prototype board with 38 rows each with 8 three-hole, 1 two-hole and one edge connector pad. 0.1" pitch.
Size: 80 x 100 x 1.5mm
Board material: Epoxy 

 Ref: CDT0375 | Price: £5.74 |

COPPER TAPE. Self adhesive

Self adhesive tape 5mm wide x 50 metres long 
 Ref: CDT0176 | Price: £8.90 |

Test terminals with connection loop (100 per pack)

Test terminals with connection loop Black for use with copper board 
 Ref: CDT0275 | Price: £8.99 |

Blank Copper Clad Board (3 per pack)

Blank Copper Clad Board. Etch your own design. Single sided SRBP. Pack of three boards 100 x 160mm 
 Ref: CDT0276 | Price: £2.35 |

Pen Wiring Kit

The wire pen carries a spool of insulated 0.15mm wire which allows you to easily make high-density, hard-wired, low-profile prototype boards. Complete with 40m spool of wire.+
(for Spare Wire see CDT0279) 

 Ref: CDT0278 | Price: £12.55 |

Spare wire for Pen Wiring Kit (4 per pack)

Spare wire for Pen Wiring Kit 
 Ref: CDT0279 | Price: £10.47 |

Prototype Stripboard 100 x 250mm

Stripboard 100 x 250mm with 35 tracks by 96 holes. Copper-clad laminated board with 1mm diameter holes on a 0.1" pitch. Ideal for prototyping, educational projects etc. 
 Ref: CDT0341 | Price: £4.49 |

Square Pad Board

Offers total flexibility and maximum density of wirewrapped circuitry. 0.1" pitch. Epoxy. Size 100 x 160mm 
 Ref: CDT0281 | Price: £13.99 |

Solder Terminal Pin (100 per pack)

Solder Terminal Pin for use with copper board 
 Ref: CDT0282 | Price: £1.99 |


BEEP TONE PCB; This small PCB (45 x 45mm) produces a 'beep' or engaged tone when connected to an 8 ohm speaker. Runs on 12V DC. The tone is adjustable via a small potentiometer on the PCB. 
 Ref: Q0645 | Price: £3.95 |


WARBLE TONE PCB: This small PCB 45 x 45mm produces a warble tone or, by moving a floating plug, a continuous tone, when connected to an 8ohm speaker. Runs on 12V DC. The tone is adjustable via a small potentiometer on the PCB. 
 Ref: Q0647 | Price: £3.95 |


PX105-0413. 2 separate transistor driver circuits (BC337) input plug-in header strip, output by screw terminal strip. Overall 183 x 53mm. 
 Ref: Q1598 | Price: £3.95 |


PXR105-0253. Screw terminal output. Each channel has LMT358N, MAX543, MC14093, HCPL2531-TI9514, MCT2E-9614G and various other components. Overall 183 x 53mm. 
 Ref: Q1599 | Price: £19.95 |

Ampex RS422 interface

Ampex RS422 interface 65 x 45 mm PCB with 1 HAA26LS31PC IC and 1 x AM26LS32PC IC plus diodes, resistors and capacitors, with flying leads to a 14 pin DIL header plug. Not sure what it does. 
 Ref: X8069 | Price: £3.00 |

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